



Все о "Крике"



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По ходу монтирования фильма из него исчезли несколько сцен с участием Нев, которые есть в качестве дополнения к DVD 1-й зоны, но их нет в русской версии диска.

Но это можно исправить благодаря Джастину Харзолду, который любезно предоставил мне запись диалогов в этих сценах, а видеосопровождение к ним вы можете посмотреть здесь.

Разговор Сары и Алекса (фото 1-19).

Alex (William H. Macy) and Sarah (Neve) walking along the street.
Alex: Its good to see you.
Sarah: Its good to see you.
Alex: I feel kinda funny out here.
Sarah: Like you might get caught.
Alex: Ya, I guess sorry.
Sarah: There you go apologizing again, You cant get caught if you are not doing anything. All you are doing is walking along the street with a beautiful young girl.
Alex: Its enough to get me killed.
Sarah: Your wife is possessive?
Alex: All women are possessive.
Sarah: (Laughs) All women?
Alex: Ya.
Sarah: Each and every one of them the world over?
Alex: Ya.
Sarah: The word Enlightenment every come your way?
Alex: You know a woman who is not possessive?
Sarah: I’m not possessive. I believe in destiny. Either someone loves you or they don’t. If they don’t there is nothing you can do about it.

Разговор Сары и Трейси в кафе (фото 20-35).

Sarah: This is sick. Its sick and wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Tracy: You haven’t done anything yet.
Sarah: That’s what I told him.
Tracy: See
Sarah: But we will.
Tracy: How do you know?
Sarah: I know. I can see it in his eyes, those beautiful sad eyes.
Tracy: Is there a waiter in this place, or what.
Sarah: What am I going to do if he shows up again?
Tracy: Open up your arms.
Sarah: No. No. I’ll tell him to go away and leave me alone.
Tracy: You don’t want to be left alone.
Sarah: Life is a series of choices.
Tracy: Ya, unless you have no self control, which you don’t. In that case it’s a series of disasters. I am going to go find a waiter.

Разговор Сары и Шона в доме Сары (фото 36-60).

Sarah: Why are you here?
Sean: I want to get laid.
Sarah: Good answer.
Sean: Couldn’t it be that I like you Sarah.
Sarah: You can’t like me.
Sean: Why not?
Sarah: I wont let you.
Sean: I have plan then.
Sarah: Um-huh.
Sean: Um-huh.
Sarah: What kind of plan?
Sean: Um. You see I am going to court you. The old-fashioned way, with a lot of flowers and champagne. Then in about three months, I am going to get down on my knees and ask you to marry me.
Sarah: Marry you?
Sean: Ya. Um, I’ll ask you to meet me down by the ocean. That’s where I’ll propose. That’s were I’ll get down on my knees.
Sarah: By the ocean?
Sean: By the pier.
Sarah: Why the pier?
Sean: Its romantic. Ya know, the ocean at night, its romantic. Did I mention this whole things was going to take place at night.
Sarah: (laughing) No.
Sean: I’ll was your feet in the ocean.
Sarah: Is this before or after you get down on your knees and propose?
Sean: After, Its your reward for saying yes.
Sarah: I’m sorry I am such a shit.

Sean plays the guitar a bit more as they slowly move into a close up of Sarah, and then cut to them both sitting on the bed as the scene ends.
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